Here are links to some things I’ve written and had published online since Tucumcari:
Heavy Feather Review: Interview with Andy Farkas
Heavy Feather Review: Review of Amazing Things Are Happening Here by Jacob Appel
Heavy Feather Review: Review of The Book of the Last Word by Jesi Buell
Lit Pub: Review of How It Was with Scotland by Joan Fiset
Another Chicago Magazine: Review of We Will Tell You Otherwise by Beth Mayer
Sledgehammer: “A20 Next to Junction 3 of the M25, Pedham Place, Swanley, Kent”
OxMag: “Watching Porn with My Mother”
Six Sentences: “Abortion Baby”
Southeast Review: Interview with Aaron Angello
Bookends Review: “A Kind of Crooked Harmony: Interview with Constantine Blintzios”
Grey Sparrow: “The Woman Who Cared Too Much”
Southeast Review: Interview with Kathleen Rooney
The Millions: “In Falling, I Learned to See: On Debra Di Blasi’s Birth of Eros”
Bridge Eight: Review of The Anchored World by Jasmine Sawers
Full Stop: Interview with Grant Maierhofer, Part 1
Full Stop: Interview with Grant Maierhofer, Part II
Heavy Feather Review: Review of Man in a Cage by Patrick Nevins
Heavy Feather Review: “I Have No Master, Whilst I Have No Clue: An Interview with Zak Ferguson”
Change Seven Magazine: "NO FEEDING THE IGUANA"
The Writing Disorder: “The Longer View”
Prime Number Magazine: “Spring Field”
Exacting Clam: Review of The Hurricane Book by Claudia Acevedo-Quinones
The Millions: “The Radical Gaze of The Braille Encyclopedia.”
Here are some things I’ve written that appeared in print format over the years. Some of the more recent ones are still available from the magazine/publisher:
TYPO: The International Journal of Prototypes: “O You (Apostrophe #1)”
The Ocotillo Review, Volume 7.1, Winter 2023: “Carry Me,” Chester B. Himes Memorial Short Fiction Prize Runner-up
Willow Review 2021: Review of North of Crivitz by Richard Holinger
The Chattahoochee Review, Spring 2017: “Empty Barn,” Lamar York Fiction Prize Finalist
The Breast: An Anthology, Global City Press, 1995: “The Cheesemaker’s Tale”
Literary Magazine Review, Summer 1993: Alaska Quarterly Review
Parting Gifts, Summer 1993: “Mr. Wood’s Depression”
Literary Magazine Review, Winter 1992: Colorado Review
Clockwatch Review, Fall 1992: “The Halloween Parade” (nominated for a 1993 Illinois Arts Council Literary Award)
Verve, Summer 1991: “The Postman’s Tale”
Literary Magazine Review, Spring 1991: Poets On: Loss
Beloit Fiction Journal, Spring 1991: “The War Veterans’ Tale”
Farmer’s Market, Spring 1990: “The Cheesemaker’s Tale”
Illinois Writers Review, Winter 1990: Clockwatch Review: A Journal of the Arts
Pikestaff Forum, Spring 1982: “The Car at the Bottom of the River”